Since 2017, the RDCC has engaged over 105 participants across 34 institutions and organisations. Each forum has seen representation from multiple institutional pillars, who gather to discuss their challenges with research data management and to discuss a collaborative approach to finding a solution. The consultations undertaken over the last 2 years are set out below.
Soo, Ai-Lin; FRANCIS, RHYS (2023). A First Macro View of Australian Retained Research Data. Monash University. Report. https://doi.org/10.26180/22776320 -
For the first time, the RDCC will be presenting at THETA - The Higher Education Technology Agenda conference. Organised by CAUDIT, CAUL and ACODE we share what the characterise the research infrastructure landscape using the Macro View of Australia’s Research data.
WINNER OF BEST PRESENTATION: A First Macro view of Australian Research Data (video) https://echo360.net.au/media/2e907d59-3263-401b-af97-8fc83fe4bc78/public
As part of the Australian Universities Accord process as established by the Australian Government (https://www.education.gov.au/australian-universities-accord). The RDCC submitted a response as part of the consultation process that addressed the growing need for a better understanding of our research data holdings and the need for a national approach to this.
As part of eResearch New Zealand 2023, the RDCC jointly hosted a workshop with New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI) to share learnings about the Macro View of Australia’s research data and discuss how a Macro View of Aotearoa New Zealand could emerge.
At eResearch Australasia 2022, the RDCC will be hosting a workshop sponsored by the ARDC to discuss the Characterising Australia’s Research Data at Scale project achievements to date and obtain further input on its emerging insights.
Following the publication of the Macro View, the ARDC Data Retention Program and ARDC Institutional Underpinnings Program are collaboratively working with the RDCC to create version 2 of the Macro View as well as investigate implication of the Macro View in an effective research data management culture for Australia.
As part of this effort, the RDCC is engaging with as many Universities, National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) facilities, Medical Research Institutes (MRIs), CSIRO and other stakeholder organisations.
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the RDCC committee decided to work towards understanding the scale of our collective research data management challenge. Together, each university provided an estimate of their research data holdings creating the first version of the Macro View.
The Macro View conceptPaper
Soo, Ai-Lin; Quenette, Steve; Francis, Rhys (2022): Research Data Culture Conversation - A Macro View of Retained Australian Academic Research Data. Monash University. Report. https://doi.org/10.26180/20235570 -
In collaboration with the ARDC Data Retention Program, ARDC institutional Underpinnings and AARNet, the RDCC hosts a BoF to align current research data management initiatives.
Birds of a Feather Presentation
Soo, Ai-Lin; Francis, Rhys; Quenette, Steve; Wilkinson, Max; Kemp, Carina; Walsh, Carmel; et al. (2022): eRA 2021 BoF - Supporting data life cycles at the macro scale. Monash University. Presentation. https://doi.org/10.26180/21068719 -
RDCC poster “Developing an Effective Research Data Culture” is accepted and presented at the virtual RDC plenary.
RDA Poster
Soo, Ai-Lin; Francis, Rhys; Quenette, Steve; Betbeder-Matibet, Luc; GIUGNI, STEPHEN; Abramson, David; et al. (2022): RDA Poster - Developing an Effective Research Data Culture (RDCC). Monash University. Poster. https://doi.org/10.26180/21068620 -
Following extensive consultations across Australia to discuss the themes of a “distributed national collection” and a “National FAIR Safety net”, the RDCC authored and published two reports as commissioned by the ARDC.
Research Data Culture Conversation - Paper 1: “A Summary of the Challenges”
Soo, Ai-Lin, Janke, Andrew, Betbeder-Matibet, Luc, Francis, Rhys, Giugni, Stephen, & Quenette, Steve. (2020). Research Data Culture Conversation - Paper 1 "A Summary of the Challenge". Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3887434
Research Data Culture Conversation - Paper 2: “A Development Response”
Soo, Ai-Lin, Janke, Andrew, Betbeder-Matibet, Luc, Francis, Rhys, Giugni, Stephen, & Quenette, Steve. (2020). Research Data Culture Conversation - Paper 2 "A Development Response". Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3887399
The reports informed the development of the ARDC’s Institutional Underpinnings program. A three year program of work to coordinate discussion between Australian Universities of a research data management framework.
Regional meetings were held to understand the strategies for the further development of the RDCC. The result of these meetings includes the emerging themes included in the final reports to the ARDC.
The ARDC Data Summit and the eResearch Australasia conference provided an important opportunity to hold two open forums on the RDCC. These were used to further articulate the research data management challenge as well as gain insight into the next steps. The Yin and Yang of data was first introduced here.
Data Summit Presentation
Soo, Ai-Lin; Francis, Rhys; Quenette, Steve (2022): 2019 eResearch Australasia Data Summit RDCC Institutional Directions. Monash University. Presentation. https://doi.org/10.26180/18516236Birds of a Feather Presentation
Soo, Ai-Lin; Francis, Rhys; Quenette, Steve (2022): eResearch Australasia 2019 An Effective and Affordable Research Data Culture. Monash University. Presentation. https://doi.org/10.26180/20782624 -
The project activity with the ARDC was initiated with national zoom meetings which invited participation from a broader set of institutions.
Meeting Presentation Slides
Soo, Ai-Lin; Francis, Rhys; Quenette, Steve (2022): Research Data Culture Conversation National Meetings 2019. Monash University. Presentation. https://doi.org/10.26180/20780929 -
Discussions around how institutional and national data infrastructure investments might add value to each other developed with the ARDC. This led to the initiation of a collaboration project between RDCC and the ARDC, with the RDCC commissioned to investigate and report on this topic.
Representatives from seven universities, the ARDC, the Australian Government Department for Education and Training and Universities Australia met in Sydney. This meeting confirmed the value in working together and set out the initial principles of the RDCC.
A Birds of a Feather session was held in order to broaden participation and introduce the activities of RDCC. The question put to the BoF was - should we work on this together? This was agreed by those present.
Birds of a Feather Presentation
Francis, Rhys; Winton, Lyle; WEATHERBURN, JAYE; Connell, David; Ennor, Sandra (2022): eRA 2018 TURNING BIG SHIPS (DATA) ON A DIME CHANGE MANAGEMENT AND DATA SENTENCING. Monash University. Presentation. https://doi.org/10.26180/20780728 -
Four research intensive universities (Monash University, The University of Melbourne, The University of Sydney and The University of New South Wales) met to discuss if a shared experience existed around the emerging data challenges.